ESIL: Driving Innovation and Investment Growth in Europe through Angel Investing

ESIL is dedicated to boosting Europe’s innovative ecosystems through the creation of a thriving, connected and diverse angel investment community across all the countries of Europe, whilst strengthening those markets where angel investment may still be lagging.

ESIL, the initiative focused on enhancing innovation and investment ecosystems in the European Union, launched a new edition in 2024. A key objective of this initiative is to strengthen the Business Angels ecosystems in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania – countries identified as having developing investment ecosystems.

To achieve this goal, ESIL organises both in-person and online training courses led by experienced business angels. These courses play a crucial role in sharing knowledge and mentoring the current and future generation of angels, fostering their growth and development.

ESIL is committed to mentoring young investors and women, promoting investment diversity, and reinforcing gender parity among investors. The initiative is run by a consortium comprising META Group, BAE, and Bpifrance, and is funded by the European Union. ESIL represents the changing face of European angel investment.

ESIL – Next Gen of Angels edition specifically targets younger and more gender-diverse investors in less advanced angel markets. The initiative establishes angel syndicates, offers mentorship and support, and provides educational courses and resources to enhance professionalism. The program encourages collaboration, streamlines cross-border investment deals through standardized documents, establishes partnerships between angel communities, and provides comprehensive online e-learning resources.

ESIL community on EuroQuity platform is open to business angels, early-stage investors, crowdfunding networks, incubators, accelerators, and entrepreneurs willing to cooperate to empower new generation of business angels in Europe.