Impact of Bpifrance :

The indicator booklet for Bpifrance's actions in 2023 presents an in-depth analysis of the impact of the public investment bank's initiatives on the development of France's entrepreneurial fabric. This document, which is the eleventh edition, tracks Bpifrance's contribution to business financing, assesses the mobilisation of private financial players, and analyses the characteristics of the businesses

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Background and  support

In 2023, Bpifrance invested €38.1 billion to support 86,520 French microenterprises, SMEs and ETIs, with a particular focus on microenterprises. Of this financing, €21.1 billion was devoted to export guarantees. Bpifrance intervenes at every stage of a company’s development through several complementary levers: support for innovation, bank financing guarantees, equity capital, export risk cover (prospecting insurance, credit insurance), etc.

80% of businesses supported were microenterprises, 83% of beneficiaries were located outside the Ile-de-France region and 16% in rural areas. Bpifrance is particularly active in non-metropolitan areas and the Industrial territories.

The entrepreneurial fabric in 2023: a decline in business start-ups, an increase in business failures and a mixed cash flow situation

In 2023, more than one million new businesses were created, although the rate of business creation has reached a plateau since 2021. The year 2023 also saw an increase in business failures, which exceeded pre-crisis levels.  However, at the end of 2023, a majority of the businesses surveyed believed they had sufficient cash to meet their financial obligations.

Bpifrance schemes: crucial support for business growth, innovation and guarantees

Against this gloomy backdrop, in 2023, in order to broadly support the entrepreneurial fabric, Bpifrance’s activity excluding Export Insurance has increased by +8% in terms of amounts compared with 2022, i.e. +€2.7bn, driven by support for Innovation (+80%) and the Guarantee activity (+8%). Bpifrance’s support for business is down in terms of amounts (-17%) but up in terms of the number of beneficiaries (+2%). The France 2030 Plan will help to maintain a high level of innovation funding in 2023. Finally, the number of companies supported (financially and/or non-financially) will also increase in 2023, to almost 86,520 (up 3% on 2022). This increase will be driven by a 58% rise in the number of businesses supported (non-financial) and a 16% rise in the number of loans granted.

Counter-cyclical role and  impact

Bpifrance plays a key role in times of crisis, supporting the credit market. In 2023, while business credit production fell by 16%, Bpifrance’s activities increased slightly, boosting its market share, particularly in medium and long-term loans and guarantees.

In particular, companies supported by Bpifrance are growing faster than those that are not supported but are initially similar:

  • +9.1 points growth in sales,
  • +11.7 points for the workforce,
  • +15% for export sales.

This support has generated €146 billion in additional sales and maintained or created 458,000 jobs for the companies supported between 2013 and 2019.

In addition, businesses receiving support from Bpifrance show greater resilience and a higher survival rate than those that do not receive support but are initially similar. The impact on the three-year survival rate is particularly marked for start-ups, with a gain of 8 points.

Leverage and co-financing with the

Bpifrance plays an incentive role by encouraging private banks to take on more risk. In 2023, 45% of the companies supported had a low rating, compared with 35% of all companies rated by the Banque de France. This lever contributes to the massive co-financing of high-risk projects.

Bpifrance’s involvement maximises the impact of public funding:

  • 1 euro in government funding generates €21.4 in private financing through credit guarantees,
  • 1 invested in unsecured loans generates €16.9 in Bpifrance loans and €78.6 in bank financing,
  • Aid for innovation generates a multiplier effect of €3.4 in third-party funding and self-financing for every €1 invested.


In 2023, Bpifrance continued to play a crucial role in supporting the growth, innovation and resilience of French businesses, particularly in a difficult economic climate. Through its action, it generates a significant leverage effect, promoting job creation, export development and the long-term survival of businesses.