Entrepreneuriat Quartiers 2030: Transforming Neighborhoods into Territories of Opportunity

The “Entrepreneuriat Quartiers 2030” program was launched in 2023 to boost entrepreneurship in priority urban policy neighborhoods (“QPV”). Operated by Bpifrance and financed by the State and Caisse des Dépôts through Banque des Territoires, this program aims to support 100,000 new entrepreneurs by 2027, promoting economic inclusion with a budget of €456million over 4 years.


The “Entrepreneuriat Quartiers 2030” program is part of the Quartiers 2030 plan, which aims to revitalize disadvantaged neighborhoods and combat inequality by making entrepreneurship more accessible. The initiative is structured around three strategic axes aimed at identifying, financing and supporting entrepreneurial talent in these areas.

1- Detect, inform and guide:

The first priority is to improve awareness of entrepreneurial support schemes and facilitate access to information. This includes:

– Raising awareness of entrepreneurship through roadshows in local neighborhoods.

– Detecting and guiding budding entrepreneurs, aiming to reach 70,000 people.

– Offering a meeting place and information directly in priority areas.


2- Support and finance:

The program offers tailor-made financial support to entrepreneurs:

-Equity contributions without personal guarantees or sureties, facilitating access to bank financing.

– Financing the cash-flow needs of very small businesses.

– Support for innovative startups in QPVs, with a budget of 50 million euros.


3- Accelerate, Expand and Conquer:

To encourage the growth of businesses created in the QPVs, the program is setting up:

– Accompanying entrepreneurs from the idea stage through to business creation and development.

– Support for the development of very small businesses over three years old.


By focusing on proactive detection, adapted financing and enhanced support, “Entrepreneuriat Quartiers 2030” transforms QPVs into a neighborhood of opportunity. The initiative aims to revitalize these neighborhoods economically and promote inclusive, sustainable economic development.