Export credit Agency

Bpifrance Assurance Export is the French Export Credit Agency. In keeping with our mission to boost French exports and reinforcing our range of products, Bpifrance offers a wide array of export insurance solutions for French companies and banks with the direct guarantee of the French State.

Credit insurance for banks

Buyer credit insurance

You are a French exporter and you would like to be paid in cash for your export contract. You would...

Insurance for investment loans

Investment insurance

You are a French company investing abroad or a credit institution serving a French investor by granting him a loan...

Unconditionnal guarantees

100% unconditional guarantee

You are an aircraft supplier or its subsidiary, or a credit institution, and you would like to be covered against...

Enhanced guarantee

You are a credit institution holding a buyer credit covered by credit insurance and you would like to refinance the...

Bpifrance Assurance Export