Commercial contracts insurance

You are a French exporter and you would like to insure your expenses against contract interruption, its cash payment or the supplier credit that you granted to your foreign buyer

Commercial contracts insurance


To protect French exporters from the risks incurred during the different stages of the export contract, this type of insurance can cover risks arising during the execution of the commercial contract (interruption and/or non-payment) and/or the risk of non-payment of the receivables held on the debtor.

We offer several types of insurances covering risks associated with commercial contracts:

  •  contract interruption insurance,
  • abusive call of bonds insurance,
  • receivables insurance,
  • non-payment of supplier credit insurance.

This insurance is for any French company exporting capital goods, industrial units or services, or performing civil engineering contracts.

Cover may be raised from 95% to 100% for companies generating a turnover < €300 million.
Special terms of cover are available for certain sectors (construction markets, services and intangible goods) and depending on the financing covered (letter of credit, supplier credits, discounts or supplier credit assignments, buyer credits).

How much?
The premium depends on the type of insurance: contract interruption premium and/or non-payment premium. The premium rate depends on the debtor’s country of residence, status and capacity, events of loss and duration of risk. For credit, the premium is applied to the principal amount of the covered credit (and periodic interest and the premium, if capitalised).




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Since January 2017, Bpifrance Assurance Export, a subsidiary of Bpifrance, has been managing public export guarantees in the name, on...